Dr. David Salazar
General Information
Lab: O03.039
phone: +41 61 207 5938
Email: david.salazarmarcano@unibas.ch
Department of Chemistry
BPR 1096, Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel, Switzerland
David was born in Caracas (Venezuela). He obtained a Master's degree in Chemistry in 2018 from the University of Southampton (UK), after a 1 year Erasmus+ internship at Agfa N.V. in Antwerp (Belgium) on perovskite photoconductors for direct conversion X-ray detectors. He was then awarded a competitive FWO fellowship for his PhD at the Lab of Bioinorganic Chemistry of KU Leuven (Belgium) under the supervision of Prof. Tatjana N. Parac-Vogt. He defended his PhD thesis on the “development of novel (bio)organic-inorganic hybrid structures based on polyoxometalates” in 2023. He is currently investigating group 4 nanocrystals for biomedical applications.