Ian Chaon
General Information
Lab: O03.039
phone: +41 61 207 5938
Email: Ian.chaon@unibas.ch
Department of Chemistry
BPR 1096, Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel, Switzerland
Ian was born in Annecy (France) in 1998. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the University of Grenoble, in France. During his Master’s he studied Nano-chemistry, and Polymers for Advanced Technologies, and he worked on the “Combinatorial exploration of the pseudo-ternary Al-Nb-Ti-N” by using magnetron sputtering under the supervision of Prof. Raphaël Boichot and Dr. Elise Garel. He joined the University of Basel to do a PhD on the Mechanism of metal oxo nanocrystal formation.