Prof. Dr. Jonathan De Roo
Department of Chemistry
University of Basel
Mattenstrasse 22, BPR-1096
CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland
Office E00.022
Tel. +41 (0)61 207 10 46

Brief Curriculum Vitae
Jonathan De Roo was born in 1989 in Belgium. He studied chemistry at Ghent University and obtained his PhD on the surface chemistry of metal oxide nanocrystals in 2016 under supervision of Prof. Isabel Van Driessche, Prof. Zeger Hens and Prof. José Martins. During his PhD, he conducted a three month research stay in the lab of Prof. Maksym Kovalenko to study the surface of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University (USA) for 2 years, working on crystallization mechanisms and custom-made ligands under supervision of Prof. Jonathan Owen. Before assuming his position at the University of Basel as assistant professor in September 2019, he spent one more year as post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University. He was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2024.